When choosing a narrator to tune into on a regular basis what do you look for? I look for someone who has personality, charm, a good clear voice, and someone who can bring stories to live in such a way you can visualize what is happening. Slumber Reads has all these amazing qualities and more!
I discovered Slumber on Twitter. He had posted something that caught my attention and I decided to check out his channel from there. No Joke, I spend the rest of that day listening to one story after another! I became an instant fan! There are many reasons for this but above all, it was the fact that his personality came through loud and clear. Not many can pull this off as smoothly as Slumber Reads does. For him it just seems to come natural and does not come across as forced.
Slumber has a full rich voice that soothes his listeners. Many of his subscribers tune in when they turn into bed. They all have said that his voice is calm, relaxing, and helps them drift off to sleep after a hard day. I suppose that is why he goes by Slumber Reads. I personally tune in every chance I get. I tune in at bed time, while I am cleaning house, or driving the 25 miles to work and then back again.
Although I have never met Slumber in person I feel as though we are friends. This is probably because he is very personable. I talk with him on Twitter now and then and have tuned into several live streams. Slumber is very interactive with his subscribers and has a way of making them all feel like they are valued and appreciated. This would explain why his fan base is growing exponentially. In fact right now he has well over 66,000 subscribers! His videos have received 5,198,547 views.
If all that is not enough to convince you to subscribe to his channel maybe the fact he continues to donate his time to raise money for those effected by Covid-19 will be? I recently tuned into a live stream that Slumber Reads, Swamp Dweller, and another narrator were hosting to raise money for those in need. I was blown away at the level of entertainment the three brought to the table! I also was impressed with the number of listeners that tuned in to listen and to donate their hard earned money. They raised over $1,000 in a few short hours!
Take it from a best selling author who loves to write horrific stories when I tell you Slumber Reads is a master of his craft! However, you don't have to take my word for it tune in yourself and see if you don't get instantly hooked. While you are there subscribe and tell him Donovan sent you!
God bless and enjoy your day! I am heading over to YouTube to listen to another Slumber Reads video!
Slumber Reads YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY1V7L-47FDzwt7Tz7GMYsQ/featured
Slumber Reads Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlumberReads