Letter to The President
Hey President Trump, now that we are at 6,000,000 cases are you still going to tell us it will go away? Are you going to continue to deny any responsibility for tens of thousands of Americans who needlessly lost their lives due to your inaction? I am guessing so. All you have managed to do during your presidency is pass blame, lie, and bring shame upon the White House and this country!
Your corrupt actions and blatant ignorance for the law is why you were impeached. You have never had nor will you ave any class. You promote hate, hate speech, and violence. You claim to be the best president this country has ever had. In truth you are by far the worst. A great president brings his people together, not divide them. A great president is truthful and transparent. You have been anything but truthful with yourself, your party, and the American people. You are underhanded and shady. When your ploy to have the Ukrainian government investigate Biden by threatening to withhold their funding didn't pan out you decided to use the USPS as a pawn to try and throw off the election. Yeah we know about that.
You are hell bent on destroying this country from the inside but your own ignorance, narcissism, and shady practices are well know and what got you impeached. Do you really think the American people want you back for a second term? The answer is NOT!! We need a leader who will reunite this country and who will not turn a blind eye while nearly 200,000 Americans die. Or do nothing when Russia places a bounty on US soldiers! You do not care for the American people as you claim. You only care about yourself and your agendas.
We need a president who is open and honest. One who stands idly by while 200,000 Americans die due to their inaction and ignorance. We need a president who will pull this country and its people out of the hole you put us in! America will be great again but it won’t be you making that happen! You have more than proven you are not capable. The American people should have realized that before electing you. Your failed businesses, university, and criminal activity should have been a dead giveaway! I will be praying for you! May God have mercy on your soul! Oh speaking of you might want to set the children you locked away free before asking God for any favors.
Pissed of American