I first discovered there were horror narrators on YouTube about three Years ago. I know I am a little bit slow but have quickly caught up! The first channel I discovered was Let's Read. I like an addict I was hooked! I soon began to find other channels...TONS of them! Some were great and others no so great. Then one day I stumbled on to pure gold!
Being an author of horror/supernatural thrillers I find myself drawn to particular channels. I check out the content but focus mostly on the narrator/creator. Believe it or not it is takes a great deal of talent to be able to talk into a microphone and have your personality come across. That is exactly what drew me like a moth to a flame to Fear Crawler's channel!
Fear Crawler has a unique way of making you visualize the stories he is telling. His voice has that deep rich tone that soothes his listeners; making them forget about their worries as he pulls them into his world. What I love about Fear Crawler is he does more that just narrate stories. He has other videos that will make you laugh so hard you could pee yourself! I guess you could say he is multi-talented and a true genius! Who is Fear Crawler you ask? Well, I will let him tell you in his words.
I started out as a filmmaker and not a narrator. When I was in my early teens, I saved up to purchase a VHS camcorder and started making short films with friends. I started my first YouTube channel in 2007 with the goal of uploading short films that I had been working on. I was always into writing because I wrote all my own scripts. The only narration I was doing at that time was for voice-overs in my films. By 2015, life was super busy with being a single parent and film-making took a back seat.
I could no longer spend months working on films but still wanted to do something creative. It was around this time I started listening to horror narrations by Mr Nightmare and decided to give narrating a shot. I uploaded my first narration in the summer of 2016. By 2018, the channel went from being simply a horror narration channel to being a channel with funny skits, dark poems and horror projects that also included my son. I never thought the channel would go anywhere, but the reception to it has been amazing. Whatever the future brings, I just hope to keep making content and outdoing myself.
I have gotten to know Fear Crawler through his channel and on Twitter. He is an amazing guy who is down to earth and genuine. He doesn't try to be somebody he is not. You can tell from the get go that he is comfortable in his own skin so to speak. He knows what his talents are and he continues to develop them. Fear Crawler isn't the kind of person who does what everybody else is doing and that is what sets his channel above the rest. As he mentioned in his bio his channel offers more variety than most, and it all comes together quite nicely! Fear Crawler continues to crawl his way into peoples hearts and homes. He has thousands of subscribers but is always looking for more people to entertain. You all know picky I can be about what I watch or listen to so trust me when I tell you this guy the real deal! Check him out, tell him Donovan sent you! If you are not as impressed with his channel as I am let me know and I will not wear makeup for a week! That is how confident I am that you will become a proud subscriber like me!
The first person to subscribe to his channel will receive a free audio-book of Denver Demon. It is the first book in a series of supernatural thrillers. Take a screen shot showing you have subscribed along with the message "Fear Crawler Rocks" and e-mail it to me @ slade2372@yahoo.com. The reason for e-mailing the screen shot is so I can reply with the directions for getting your free audio-book!
You can find Fear Crawler at the links below.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_fearcrawler/
Snap chat:https://www.snapchat.com/add/fear_crawler