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Dr. Maggie G's book "How To Make Sure Your Life Doesn't Suck," Is Quite Literally Changing Lives!

Writer's picture: Donovan EdwardsDonovan Edwards

Every day I turn on the news to keep up with this COVID-19 pandemic. I see that more and more cities, villages, states, and countries are being locked down. Folks are being ordered to stay in their homes and not to venture out unless it is absolutely necessary. There is an ominous feeling in the air that continues to hover like a thick blanket of fog.

With each passing day anxiety, depression, uncertainty, and fear continue to grow like black mold hidden within deep within our walls. How do combat such negativity and all that comes with it as this pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the globe? I have the perfect solution! No, I no faith healer, shamen, or anything of that nature. I am, however, a man who along with countless others has discovered an amazing book written by a brilliant woman! That book is called "How To Make Sure Your Life Doesn't Suck!" This book is just what every household in the world needs to be reading at this time!

This not your run of the mill self-help fluff that you see collecting dust on bookstore shelves. This is a masterpiece that has been selling so fast it has no time to collect dust! In fact, after reading it all your self-doubt, negativity fears, and garbage will be left in the dust! I know it sounds too good to be true, but trust me when I tell you it all true and it is available to you!

About Book:

This is not your typical self-help book. It was not written to stuff your head with more “to-do” lists, strategies, secrets that turn out not be secrets, “woo-woo” lingo you cannot understand or relate to, techniques we all eventually give up on, or calls to just “think positive” 24/7.

This book was written to help you look at your thoughts, your feelings, yourself, and your life in a fundamentally different way. It will show you how you can navigate through tough moments so you can experience more peace of mind regardless of your circumstances. It will help you re-discover who you truly are. It will show you why you don’t need to think positive and can still be all right. It will help you embrace your humanness. 

When you read it with an open heart and an open mind, this book is going to be a catalyst for your own unique epiphanies and insights. 

(Personal Note: I have battled depression and anxiety all of my life. Since reading Dr. Maggies' book I now have control over it and instead of the other way around! I have a new lease on life!- Donovan)

About the Author, in her own words:

"All my life, I thought my happiness and
well-being had everything to do
what I do, what I have, or with people in my life.
Boy, was I wrong!
But, I'm so glad I was." _Dr. Maggie G.

On the outside, my life looked great! On the inside, not so much. And, in my mind, there were quite a few reasons why. At the time, I believed that my happiness and my well-being depended on what I did, what I had (or didn’t have), or had something to do with people in my life. In fact, I didn’t see it as a belief. To me, it was a fact. It was how life worked! So, I thought that I had to change my circumstances, get rid of my perceived problems, or change myself in order to feel happier and at peace. Or, reach for self-help books, and seek the answers there. I wasn’t really into self-help books then because (at least in academic circles) they were considered to be “pseudo-psychology for the masses”, and because of that, they were not worth the attention.

But being the rebel that I am, I purchased one of those books! I was going on holiday and I wanted to take some books with me. The book that popped up on my Amazon page was called “You Can Have What You Want” and it was written by Michael Neill. It was December 2010. Little did I know that the very book I’d normally ignore would mark the beginning of a whole new chapter in my life and a massive change in the way I viewed my life and myself.

A couple a months later I was on the phone to Michael talking about his apprenticeship program! Michael (in case you didn’t know) is a world-renowned Transformative Coach and a best-selling Hay House author. Soon after that, I became Michael’s apprentice. I was coached by him and, later on, I studied to become a Transformative Coach myself. I decided to finish my Ph.D., but I was not going to pursue my academic career afterward.

Transformative coaching changed my life. It wasn’t a quick fix that generated a change that would last for a month or two. Because the change came from within, the effects have never gone away. I was no longer feeling like a victim of life, and have not blamed people, problems or circumstances for how I feel, ever since. Which, means that I have been able to experience more peace and well-being than I ever thought was possible. These are only some reasons why it is called Transformative Coaching. I forgot to mention that, in the meantime, I completed my doctorate and became a Doctor of Sociology.

I already knew what an impact Transformative Coaching has on people’s lives, not just because of my work but the work of other Transformative Coaches! It is a community that continues to grow, and more and more psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists become Transformative Coaches too! But, for some reason, it really “clicked” when I received the feedback from the students on my workshops. It blew me away! And, at that very moment, I knew what I wanted to do next. I decided to write a book and focus my entire work on teaching it’s content and sharing it with anyone who wants to experience more well-being and who is looking for a true transformation in their lives.

These are just highlights of what brought this amazing book about. I will provide links to her website below so that you can read more about it there.



I had a big epiphany. I cried.

This is the book you should read before you read self-help books. Believe me, I’ve read hundreds of them. Whether I read book to get me out of being “stuck,” unmotivated, depressed or unproductive, they all seemed to work. And then, in time, I’d spiral back to whatever inspired me to read them. 

I have been motivated by self-help books, and I’ve achieved goals using the tips I had learned. But, what I gleaned from How to Make Sure Your Life Doesn’t Suck is that, how I feel does not have to define or steer me. 

Also: How I feel, emotionally, does not make me less-than or a loser.

Because I had been a self-help book reader, as I was reading How to Make Sure Your Life Doesn’t Suck, I kept looking “for the tip.” I was relating to every word and every chapter as the author talked about how emotions can seem to cripple or hurt us. 

But, where was “The thing?” And then, when I got to a paragraph towards the end of this awesome read, she said, “If you want to make sure your life doesn’t suck - ,” I had a big epiphany. I cried. 

This book gave me permission. Permission to see my emotions for what they were and that I did not have to do anything about them. I’m human. I have emotions. And, I can get up, out of bed, every day, and do what I need and want to do, and that is enough. 

Jon David

Author. Podcast host.


There is a vast sea of self-help advice available on the market today.  Shelves overflow with best-selling titles from touted gurus in the industry.  No matter the issue, there’s a cure for what ails you.

But what if there was nothing actually wrong with you?

In her new title, “How to Make Sure Your Life Doesn’t Suck: A Different Kind of Guide to Navigating the Ups and Downs of Life,” Dr. Maggie Gilewicz offers a frank, pulls-no-punches approach to the pursuit of well-being. Like a strong cup of coffee with a good friend.  

Her book invites the reader into a conversation about the thought processes of self-worth rather than clinically outlining steps and procedures to “make yourself feel better.”  

In fact, Dr. Gilewicz suggests that it is most certainly okay to NOT be okay.

It sounds rather counterintuitive for a self-help guide to say it’s okay to not be okay, but through her congenial banter, Dr. Gilewicz explains an alternative perspective on dealing with those “not-so-okay” moments.  

The text comes across as advice from a caring friend rather than an academic dissertation.  As such, many readers may find it readily accessible and applicable to their own lives.  There are no daily exercises, nor suggested tasks other than an emphasis on realization and acceptance.

With a bit of light-hearted humor and clear, conversational tone, “How to Make Sure Your Life Doesn’t Suck: A Different Kind of Guide to Navigating the Ups and Downs of Life” by Dr. Maggie Gilewicz is a worthwhile read for those searching for a fresh perspective on life.

Melinda Taliancich Falgoust



I have one word for this book, one of many; Wow! 

There are many self - help books out there that tell you absolutely nothing about how to help yourself. Yes they promise the new life, the new way of doing things, but they never tell you that you have to do it your own way. 

Promises of a wonderful life if you follow their special guidance, become more spiritual or find a way of life that goes against your own natural living process, or worse still spend more money on their special programs, few self help books tell you how to actually be strong, and not be afraid to think for your self. 

They never truly help you to overcome one major aspect of your life, an aspect that can have you doing what you truly want to do, live a happy positive life. 

Maggie ....has written a self-help book that shows you...doesn’t tell you, it guides you how to think, yes think for yourself, to challenge without challenging yourself and most importantly to be true to yourself. 

More importantly Maggie shows you how not to be afraid of your negative thoughts, how to take the negative and use it in such a way that it gives you the strength to be yourself when everyone around you is screaming in panic and fear. 

Maggie has shown us that when your life sucks, it isn’t really sucking, it’s just your thoughts that are making it suck. You can take those thoughts and make your life the way you want it to be without lying to yourself and denying yourself that true balance. 

Buy this book! Stop looking elsewhere for a book to help you, there is no such thing, instead buy this book, a book that gives you the strength not to be afraid anymore of your thoughts. 

Buy this book and spend the rest of your life being true to yourself and not somebody else’s views. 

I loved this book, it spoke to me in many ways, it was as if Maggie had been reading my mind, she answered my questions and opened the door to finally realising the truth of it all. 

To think for myself without having to worry about the silly little thoughts causing problems in my mind.  

If you are ready to take back your life, to be as one with your thoughts and no longer be afraid, this book is for you. 

Richard Temple, Author.


Reading Maggie Gilewicz's How To Make Sure Your Life Doesn't Suck was a thought-provoking read applicable to everyone's life at whatever life stage. 

With practical examples and suggestions, Dr. Gilewicz's chapters flow nicely and help the reader rethink struggles, difficulties, moods, and stress from the "inside out."  

I especially love the idea of listening to the "crap detector" similar to your gut, but a more thoughtful and reflective way of digesting other's opinions and comments. 

Her ideas are applicable and very needed in the world especially as social media can be very disheartening, even destructive, to one's self-worth. 

Happy to have read this book at this point in my life and feel like I could reread this during difficult times or transitions and walk away with a more positive outlook on life!

Dr. Maureen Edwards 

Writer. Educator. Adjunct Professor

So, my book “How To Make Sure Your Life Doesn’t Suck: A Different Kind Of Guide To Navigating The Ups And Downs Of Life” is available now, and it is my greatest wish that you find in it a chapter or maybe even a sentence that will resonate with you on a deeper level, and in that way, you will see yourself and your life with fresh new eyes and discover that you are capable of experiencing well-being regardless of where you are currently at, and regardless of your circumstances, “good” or “bad”.

​I can not tell you what a life-changing this book has been for me! - Donovan Edwards

Dr. Maggie's website:


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