Every great story needs an amazing plot as well as an equally awesome storyline that will not only engage your audience but keep them engaged throughout the entirety of the story. I have found the best ways to do this is through the use of strong characters. You also want to create situations and events that provoke thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, and reactions from your characters. I also believe that character placement is crucial in order to make the scene or event believable to your audience. It is vital that your characters' personalities shine through and come across as genuine if you want your audience to be able to not only relate to them but to connect with the characters on a personal level.
This can be rather challenging for some writers because each character will need their own distinct personality and stay true to their personalities throughout the story. Like an actor, each character needs to maintain their individuality; which can pose a challenge for some writers when it comes to a dialog between characters.
There is one more thing to cover before I introduce you to my brilliant cast of Characters. If you want to keep your audience’s attention you need to make them feels as though they are part of the story. Foreshadowing (hints about upcoming events) is an excellent way to do this. It clues the audience into what will likely happen next; where the characters remain clueless because they are caught up in the moment so to speak.
The Denver Demon cast of characters
I wanted to honor several of my friends and loved ones by basing some of the characters on their personalities. I chose my characters based their personality types because they all play and feed off one another. Below are some of the amazing characters that really brought this book series to life. Not all the characters are listed because some are only in one scene but do not play vital roles.

Lead Character David Arbor
Based on myself.
David is a handsome, charismatic, and loveable guy. He is full of love and life and has the unique ability to draw others to him. However, David finds himself struggling with being a single gay man living in a small rural town in Wyoming. On the outside, he appears bubbly, cheerful, and outgoing. On the inside, David is struggling with his spirituality, sexuality, and insecurities from a recently failed marriage and a lack of purpose in life.
However, when a sadistic serial killer starts killing off gay men in Denver, many of them friends of David's he knows he has to act. Having an extensive background in criminal psychology David decides he must head back to Denver to help catch this deranged killer before any more of his friends turn up dead. It doesn't take long before David's need for love, answers, and a sense of purpose lead him into a world of sex, lies, murder, and the supernatural!
FYI: Several of the events in this book are based on true events. I just happened to skillfully blend them into quite the fictional tale. The end result is as intriguing as it is terrifying!

Shasha Silver is a delightful, colorful, and beautiful character. She is the kind of woman men would kill to be seen with. Sasha's character is based on my dear friend Delacey (pictured at the left). In truth, Sasha is Delacey through and through! Her and David's unique relationship is also based on Delacey and I's true-life friendship. That made writing the dialog between the two characters easier. I would think of a conversation Delacey and I would have and used that as a reference. I knew without a doubt that this book needed Delacey in it and that is how Sasha came to be.
Sasha is a bright, charming, and stunningly beautiful woman with a wicked sense of humor. She is soft and tender yet can be fearless and strong when she needs to be. Sasha is David's earthbound angel! She can make you laugh until your sides hurt yet, she can make you weep like a willow while she brings you down to your knees. Sasha while kind and gentle possesses the strength and courage of a lion and will fight to the death for the ones she loves! You will get to see all of those sides to this awesome woman. I truly believe Sasha is going to be a character you will not soon forget.

Joshua Stevens plays the role of David's straight roommate and best friend. His character is based on a good friend of mine named Jakey Marotta (pictured at the left).
Joshua is a slightly self-centered and attractive man full of unbridled angst. He is hardworking and plays just as hard as he works. Joshua and David are complete opposites but somehow this odd couple manages to share a house and an amazing friendship and make it all look easy.
when the two first met David knew right then and there the first thing he wanted to do was to grab a hose and scrub, shave and clean the Grizzly Adams looking man until he looked more human and less of a neanderthal. So he did! He even offered him his spare room so they both could save on cash! The two men became quick friends. David would always make certain that Joshua is well-groomed, dressed, lightly fragranced before leaving the house. In turn, Joshua would help David tone his look down if needed. David loved anything that was gaudy, flashy, trashy, and sparkly. He had designed most of his clothes. David often got a little carried away with the rhinestones. David was an awesome groomer and wingman for Joshua. Joshua always had David's back and would drop everything in a New York minute to help David if he ever needed it. The odd couple.

Slade Earl Thomas is a character that takes on two major roles. I can't say much more than that without giving too much away! Slade is as sexy as he is mysterious. He stands over 6' tall, has raven black hair and steel grey eyes. No, what gay man or straight woman for that matter would not want to wake up with that every morning?
Slade's childhood was less than desirable. His father was a heavy drinker and his mother ran the town getting what she couldn't get at home. In Spite of that fact, Slade grew up to be a well adjusted and well to do freelance reporter for the Denver Post! He had money, killer looks and could shag any man in the city he wanted to. None of that really mattered, all Slade longed for was true love. He didn't want one night stands. He wanted a partner he could grow old with. Slade's need for that companionship lead him to take drastic measures; measures that would change him and his life in unimaginable ways!
Slade is another character based on a dear friend by the same first name. That friend is Slade Walter (pictured above). The real Slade has some things in common with his fictional character. They are both charismatic, devilishly handsome, and they both are amazing people! The real Slade does reside in Denver, he is quite successful, and there isn't a person that knows him that doesn't love him! I will let you in a little secret. I had the biggest crush on this man for years! I still do to a point. That is why I knew I had to use honor him by making him a character as well. Hey, who better to play a gorgeous, down to earth, and yet unpredictable character?

Last but certainly not least is the fan-favorite Paul Adler:
Like the others, Paul's character is based on my dearest and oldest friend Paul Kamber (Pictures to the left). (Hey, you single men out there in the Mile High City, Paul is single and looking for a good man!!) Just throwing that out there.
Anyway, Mr. Adler is David's favorite flamer in the entire world! The two men go back many years and have had some pretty amazing and at times borderline illegal adventures over those years! Paul, Paulie, Or Gwen Switchel as David affectionately called him was a bit of a tramp but he was loveable, adorable, funny, and a joy to be around! Well, unfortunately, Pauli accidentally let the little hussy in him slip out and gave his number to a complete stranger in the bathroom of a dance club for a late-night romp. A hook up that would cost the young man his life.
I want to take a minute here and tell you all that the chapters Paul was in were the happiest and the most heart-wrenching chapters I have ever written! I laughed until I nearly peed while I wrote about this one of a kind character. Then I completely fell apart when I wrote about his death and the toll it took on poor David!
Just writing about his untimely and gruesome death made me think of the real Paul and how much I love and adore him. I sobbed uncontrollably for a day or two after writing his scenes because I know just how devastating of a loss it would be if that beautiful bright soul of his ever passes on before mine does!
I have known Paul for nearly 30 years and in that time he and I have shared and been through so much together that it would kill me if anything ever happened to him. The only reason I chose to end his character in the way that I did was that I wanted everybody to love him as much as David did and to feel the anguish David felt over his death. There is a bright side to this story though. Pauli or his spirit rather makes an important appearance in Denver Demon Three Revelations just when his beloved friend David needs him the most!
Well, that about wraps it up for this session of the cast of Characters! I pray you all come to know and love these awesome characters as much as I do! Now you have some faces to go with the names! I promised each of them that when this book series hits the BIG screen I am taking them all to the premiere! Now, got get you a copy of Denver Demon and get to know all the characters! It is a thrill ride you won't soon forget!
Much love,